Spring is upon us. Temps are warming up, outdoor activities are increasing, and we have officially been in the season of spring for a few weeks now.
Spring might be my favorite season of them all.... How do I love spring? Let me count the ways...
1) You can once again hear the birds chirping outside.
2) Apples are good all the time, but there is something about eating an apple outside in the sun that is especially refreshing. This is possible once again in the spring.
3) The baseball season begins...
4) It is lighter earlier and later in the day, meaning more time to play outside and enjoy the natural light.
5) Hearing the sound of the rain outside as you are trying to fall asleep.
6) The flowers have begun to bloom...
7) Great temperatures for things like running, hiking and biking outside... not too hot, but warm enough that you will be comfortable.
8) The beginning of barbecues, which means the smell of the barbecue.
9) Winter meltoff means you can see more flowing water and (better yet) waterfalls.
10) The excitement and anticipation that spring brings... there is the thought and hope of new life and of summer adventures.
11) The NCAA Tournament finishes up in spring... best sporting event of the year!
12) The smell of the outside world as things are starting to grow.
13) When in school, there was always spring break! Which meant different things to different people, but for me it meant the
Pay It Forward Tour, which means going on a bus across the country with other students doing service projects. I couldn't recommend that highly enough!
14) Things start to turn green outside, and green is the best color ever!
15) The crack of a wooden bat on a baseball diamond and the snap of a baseball as it hits the glove.
16) When you wake up to leave in the morning to go to work or see the sunrise, it is actually an enjoyable temperature out.
17) Going outside on the deck and reading a book in the sunlight. No better way to read!
18) How you can even handle the occasional cold days, because you know that the warmth of the rest of spring and summer is coming.
19) Rolling down the windows in the car and letting your hair blow in the wind.
The Cherry Blossoms in Washington D.C.21) Going for a hike in the mountains and still seeing snow-capped peaks in the distance.
22) Shorts weather!
23) Wearing a baseball cap outside instead of stocking cap.
24) Planting flowers and a garden.
25) Opening the windows in the house and smelling the freshness.
26) Being out on a baseball diamond chewing sunflower seeds.
27) Going for a walk.
28) Finally being able to leave the windows open at night to hear the sounds of the world.
29) Seeing the birds flying across the sky and in the trees.
30) There is still a variance in the weather... some days will be chilly (but not too cold), and some days will be warm (but not too hot). But all of the unpredictably is still in a comfortable range.
31) Hiking to a lake and actually see the lake, not just the ice covering (though ice is cool too...)
31) The bugs haven't had time yet to make themselves comfortable all over your house.
32) The more sunlight will make you a happier, more vibrant person, especially if it has been a long and dark winter.
33) Don't need tennis shoes or boots if you don't want them, you can go outside in just your sandals.
34) Finally you can get thunderstorms again and enjoy the pouring rain, the awe of lightning, and the boom of thunder.
35) When you get off of work, it is actually still light outside!
36) Getting out and playing golf and tennis, if those are your sports.
37) Depending on where you live... since spring is when people start taking more vacations, you have a chance of being visited by friends and relatives.
38) No more days of wearing winter coats... at least until next year.
39) Instead of just watching basketball on TV, you can get outside and play it!
40) Longer days of sunlight mean more time to enjoy your favorite activities outside.
41) 0-0 records for everyone in the MLB. "Hope springs eternal..."
42) "Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush." - Doug Larson
43) Sitting outside, drinking sweet tea, and enjoying the weather.
44) The start of softball season.
45) Simply the anticipation of summer puts people in a happier mood.
46) Knowing that the first day you can reasonable wear shorts (and even if you can't really do it reasonably), you will... just because that will make it feel more like spring!
47) Going to the park and tossing a football or frisbee around.
48) Being able to go to playground (especially the swings).
49) Just after the sun goes down, when it is still light enough to see, and the air is crisp and refreshing on a spring evening.
50) No more days of slick driving conditions.
51) Hearing the shouts of kids as they play the first soccer games and practices of the season.
52) How everything outside and even the clothes that people wear are brighter.
53) The celebration of Easter every spring, a time to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus!
54) The greater likelihood of seeing wildlife out and about (depending on where you live).
55) Being able to go for a bike ride and feel the wind blowing in your face.
56) Being able to play volleyball in the sand.
57) Going to the park and just walking around or messing around, having fun and getting the fresh air.
58) Opening the windows or shades in the morning to get natural light instead of turning a light on.
59) It actually sounds good to go out and get some ice cream.
60) "Science has never drummed up quite as effective a tranquilizing agent as a sunny spring day." - W. Earl Hall
61) The smell of rain, either before or after the rain.
62) Taking pictures outside, capturing the beauty of the Earth.
63) Seeing people out going for runs, inspiring you to want to do the same.
64) The refreshing taste of water when you are out doing something in the sun.
65) It is the start of being able to go for a swim outside (and not freeze too much).
66) Being able to plant a garden or flowers.
67) Playing baseball - whether it is just playing catch, taking batting practice, or shagging fly balls in the outfield.
68) Being able to wear flip flops outside, giving your feet some needed fresh air.
69) Seeing a butterfly perched on a tree branch right before it takes off in flight.
70) "If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom." - Terri Guillemets
71) How you love a rainy day because you know the Earth needs it and it provides a nice atmosphere to enjoy the indoors.
72) How much easier it is to get exercise when you can go outside and do it instead of going to dreary inside of the gym.
73) If you have to go to work early in the morning, it will actually get light on your drive, waking you up for the day and inspiring you to get better work done.
74) Laying in the grass and watching the stars.
75) The start of camping season, getting out and enjoying the outdoors and embracing a more rugged way of life (if only for a night).
76) Planning vacations, knowing that you can plan a whole day doing stuff outside, and you won't get too cold.
77) Seeng wildflowers when you are out in the wilderness.
78) If you are a paper deliverer, you can walk or bike from house to house instead of having to drive from house to house!
79) The sound of crickets at night (as long as they are not in your house).
80) "[Spring is] when life's alive in everything." = Christina Rossetti
81) Seeing leaves back on the trees as they spring to life.
82) Pickup basketball games... outside.
83) If you are near the mountains, you can still enjoy the majesty of the snow-covered peaks in the distance, only without being in the cold yourself.
84) Everyone starts to get green grass, rather than brown, dead grass.
85) As long as you are not walking in a high traffic area (in which case I do not recommend this), you can go for a walk and read a book... at the same time!
86) Going for a long bike ride through the neighborhoods... nowhere to go or be, just seeing where the road takes you.
87) The NBA playoffs... when all the best athletes in the world show up to play.
88) Taking long drives and roadtrips, with the windows down, the roads clear, and the radio up.
89) If you are lucky enough to have a porch or deck, sitting out and reading a favorite book, drinking some lemonade.
90) "An optimist is the human personification of spring." - Susan Bissonette
91) You don't have to pile on all of the blankets when you crawl into bed at night.
92) Since people tend to be in a more joyful mood once the winter is over, and happiness is contagious, everyone is more joyful!
93) You can fly a kite! (or, perhaps more accurately, try to fly a kite...)
94) You can enjoy the myriad of activities that a lake or river offers, such as boating, waterksiing, going to the beach, or simply swimming.
95) The feeling of "newness" that comes with everything. With new life comes new hopes, new dreams, new ambitions, and new motivations.
96) Being able to see one of the most beautiful sights in creation, the sunrise... when it is warming enough that you won't be shivering with cold.
97) Playing two-hand touch or flag football.
98) Instead of having to drive everywhere, you can walk or bike to get from place to place. Being environmentally friendly and getting exercise at the same time.
99) If you live in a safe enough area, you can go for walks at night when the moon is out and the world is more peaceful.
100) Did I mention hearing the chirping birds outside? :)