Monday, January 10, 2011

Remaining Steadfast Always

In St. Louis de Montfort's Total Consecration, he writes (on day 4):

"He who would be too secure in time of peace will often be found too much dejected in time of war. If you could always continue to be humble and little in your own eyes, and keep your spirit in due order and subjection, you would not fall so easily into danger and offense. It is good counsel that, when you have conceived the spirit of fervor, you should meditate how it will be when that light shall be withdrawn."

I think most of us, when things are going well in our life, have the tendency to kind of forget about God, or put Him on the backburner. Then, we figure, when we need Him (when things don't go as we wish), He will be there as a fallback option.

However, if we have this strategy, St. Louis de Montfort says, we are just setting ourselves up for a fall. The good times, the easy times, are not their simply for us to coast and enjoy, but those are the key times to grow stronger in our faith, stronger in our virtue, so that we can be strong when things don't go our way.

This should be no surprise, it holds true in all walks of life. If you are a farmer with a good crop, you don't eat it all and simply enjoy it because it's there, you save some in case the next harvest is not as strong. Financially, if you make some extra money, you should not spend it all immediately, but save some for when things are tough (or for when you want to retire!)

If you are in a period of many blessings and good times, be careful! Do not grow complacent, but grow stronger. Doing this, you will be able to withstand any storm.

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