Today we look at a short but powerful message from the Gospel of Matthew:
"For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be." (Matthew 6:21)
What are the things that you value in life, and find to be most important. What is your treasure? These are the things which you spend most of your energy, time, and passion on.
For many people, their treasure is misplaced, in things such as money, power, or admiration. Since this is where their treasure lies, this is where their heart is, and this becomes their ultimate goal in life. As Jesus says elsewhere, you cannot serve two masters... if your treasure is in worldly things, you will serve a worldly master.
Our treasure should be to love God, and to seek to do His will. When this is true, that is what our heart will desire... it will be restless until in rests in God.
Take some time today to really truthfully examine where your treasure lies... is it in God? Or in something of this world? Always remind yourself... where your treasure is, that is where your heart will be.
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