Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The things we can't change

It seems like for everybody there are things that they wish they could change, but they can't. Whether a bad habit, a bad situation, or any number of things, there is always something that we try over and over to change and we just never can seem to get over the hump and completely change it.

Many times, we (I know I have done it) get frustrated with God during these times, wondering why He won't just help us get out of our own way, or why we can't change other situations. We might think that the fact that we want to change and are trying hard to change should be enough for the change to happen, and we are hesitant to blame ourselves in the case of failure. Or, we might see a bad situation that somebody else is in and wonder why God isn't changing things even though we are praying for change.

However, if we let it, these types of situation can bring us the closest to God, because it in these things that we must trust totally in God and put our dependence on Him. I believe one of the ways that we receive most is when we have an interior trusting that God will take care of us, and especially in the things that we wish we could change but we can't.

We must seek God in all ways and in all things, putting our trust and dependence totally and completely on Him. He will never let us down.

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