In this chapter Lewis talks about how we must be concerned with the things we can control, and the things present in our life. We have a tendency to focus on the things that are out of our control, or the things that "might happen," and this can cause us to neglect the here and now.
"He wants men to be concerned with what they do; our business is to keep them thinking about what will happen to them." (28)
Lewis talks also about what we think of when we picture "carrying our cross," which Jesus tells us is necessary if we want to follow Him. When we think of it, we might think of the fears that we have, or the things that might happen but we are trying to mentally prepare ourselves for.
But then, at the same time we are preparing ourselves, we are complaining about some work project, or how we think we should make a little more money, or that so and so said something rude to us. And on and on. But those are the crosses we are called to carry, those are the things where we must simply submit to the Lord's will.
Let us then focus on the things that are in our control, the trials that we currently face in our life and just can't seem to get over or stop thinking about. Let us focus on the things we can change, and the people we can help. Then we will be doing the will of God and carrying out His plan.
I like your analysis of this book chapter by chapter and look forward to reading the rest of your summary. I did this book no justice by reading it from cover to cover.