Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Being a Disciple of Christ

We are all called to be Disciples of Christ, to place him first in importance and follow Him. But how do we do that? I once read a quote that sheds some light:

"Discipleship only makes sense without a road map, a prenuptial agreement, or a money-back guarantee. If we put our trust in Jesus, that means falling behind Him wherever the road goes. Scary? Leaving home and the familiar always is. Necessary? You bet your life."

Many of us try to have our priorities the opposite... we think that when life is in order, when we are at a good place, then we can start following Jesus, and doing things like going to Mass, Confession, or tithing on a more regular basis. First, we have to get our own life in order, then all of these things will come. Or so we tell ourselves.

However, the rub is that if we are waiting for that perfect time, it will never come. There likely will always be something else that you think should be demanding your time, money, and attention. If we place the safety in first priority, Jesus will not fall in line next, He will slip off the page.

If we are at a place of disorder in life, all the better to start becoming a Disciple of Christ. When you have nothing or have lost everything, that is the perfect time. That is the time to establish routines and beliefs that we will carry with us.

Tithing is a perfect example, I think. Let's say you make $100/week (just throwing out numbers)... if you can't tithe $10 out of that, do you think you will really tithe $100 when you make $1000 per week? I doubt it, but this is what people tell themselves.

If you follow Jesus and become a disciple of Him, it could take you scary places, or cause you to make decisions that will be uncomfortable at the time. That is OK. I am guessing Peter, John, and the rest of the Apostles wrestled with the same decisions that we still face today.

Jesus is the way to get your priorities and life straight. If you wait until you have those things secure before you follow Him, you will keep Him waiting a long time.

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