On Holy Thursday we remember the story of Jesus washing the feet of his Apostles. To me, this is a great lesson in both humility and leadership.
On the one hand, it is great humility to put yourselves at the service of others in the manner of washing their feet. Many people see feet as "awful," and would not go near another person's feet (let alone a lot of them). Yet there Jesus is, insisting that he be able to get down on His hands and knees and wash their feet. There is nothing that He is not willing to do for another person, and we too must sometimes let go of our pride to help others.
The other thing is that Christ is showing us a great example of servant leadership. Even though He is the teacher of the Apostles (Peter calls Him 'Master') it is Jesus who washes their feet, and not the other way around. This shows us that the best way to lead others is often to serve them, and to set an example for them in that way. He tells the Apostles to go and do the same for others, and teaches them that no master is greater than a slave.
I believe servant leadership to be the most effective manner of leadership. If you would to earn the respect and trust of others, serve them and look out for their needs. This will teach them to do the same for others.
This is a great lesson for us as we prepare for the the Resurrection of Our Lord.
What would be the best ways a man and woman could serve each other in their relationship with each other??