Monday, June 13, 2011

Have We Lost Ourselves?

All around us society is focused on things like money, sex, and power. We are always trying to make more money, TV and movies are trying to push the envelope on what they can show, and relationships are becoming less about what you can do for another person and more about what they can do for you.

But our lives are meant to be so much more, we are meant to live for more. These are the sentiments expressed by the band Switchfoot and their song "Meant to Live."

"We were meant to live for so much more/
Have we lost ourselves?"

If we are simply striving to make more money, amuse ourselves, and live a selfish life, then we are missing the point of life, and the things that we were meant to live for and strive to be. It seems as if somewhere along the way our society has lost itself.

What were we made to live for? Loving one another, seeking the best in others and striving to lift them up, looking out for the needs of others more than ourselves, and treating others like we would want to be treated. It is when we do these things that we can live happy and fulfilling lives, that we can change others and change ourselves.

What is your life lived for right now? Is it in line with the things that we were made for?

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