No matter how generous and giving we are, we can never outdo God when it comes to generosity. He will always one up us. Still, we must recognize the amazing gifts that we have been given, and do our best to give of ourselves to other people. Jesus tells us:
"Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give." (Matthew 10:8)
By virtue of being given life, we have received much. We have received the ability to live, to love, to learn, and everything else that comes along with being human. If you are reading this right now, you have been given the mental capacity to read and understand, and you have been given the technology to access this. When we look at things in this light, it is shocking how much we have been given!
Everyone will have things they complain about in their life (me too), but it is important to recognize all of the gifts and graces we do have. In that vein, we know that everything we have we are given from God, and therefore not everything is ours to keep, and we must give to others.
Our smile, our personality, our love... these are all things we must give. Our time, our talent, our treasure... again, these are things that we must share with others, so that they in turn might grow as people and share their gifts.
When you are tired, and don't want to go that extra mile, just try to remember this verse... without cost you have received, without cost you are to give.
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