Monday, November 29, 2010

On Sacrifice

In Mitch Albom's popular book "The Five People You Meet in Heaven," he writes:

"You didn't get it. Sacrifice is a part of life. It's supposed to be. It's not something to regret. It's something to aspire to. Little sacrifices. Big sacrifices. A mother works so her son can go to school. A daughter moves home to take care of her sick father." (93)

Most of us generally grumble when we have to sacrifice something that we want to do, something that we love, or something that we think that we need. However, we should be happy when we get to sacrifice, as that's what life and love is all about.

The greatest example of sacrifice, of course, is Jesus dying on the cross, laying down His life for our sins. He showed us that the way to love is to sacrifice, even to the point of death.

In a little booklet called "Becoming a Real Man of God," written by Fr. Roger Landry, he talks about sacrifice and love:

"Love is not merely "wishing" another the best, but a willingness to choose to give of oneself - even to the point of sacrificing one's own interests, desires, and life - for someone else. This is the type of love that will lead to genuine fulfillment and happiness, because this is the type of love that will help us become the real image of God."

Many times we hear or even say that we care about a friend or loved one so much that we would "die for them." That is great, but that is missing the point. Love and sacrifice is rarely about actually dying for someone, but it is about when have to sacrifice your time for the good of another.

It is when you finally get some free time, but you choose to spend it by helping a friend in need. It is when someone is irritating and annoying you, but you choose to be their friend and love them. It is when you change your habits or improve bad habits in order to help someone else live better. It's about making the time for someone when you don't really have time to give.

This is what sacrifice is all about. It is rarely grandiose, but it is about the small actions that happen everyday. This is what it means to walk in the footsteps of Christ and be an image of God for others.

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