Monday, December 27, 2010

Drink Deeply in Good Books

The fourth point in John Wooden's father's list of rules for living is to "drink deeply in good books."

I find that a good many people read books only when they need to (for classes, etc), and sometimes not even then. That is really too bad, but in part a byproduct of our society (for most people, reading doesn't provide the type of immediate entertainment that something like TV would have). However, you should make a point of reading!

For one, it will challenge your mind and make you smarter. The quickest way to expand your vocabulary is not to study the dictionary, but to read books. Certainly the better your vocabulary, the better off you will be, if only because then you will be able to understand and communicate with others better. Reading will also help you improve your writing, and it would benefit just about everybody to be better at writing.

Reading can also open you up to new ideas, concepts, and ways of thinking. It can provide points of view that you might never have thought of, or it can provide a new insight into something you could never quite grasp. Spiritually, books regularly inspire me to be a better person, to understand my faith better, to give me new ways of thinking about how to live my life to be a better person. If it weren't for books certainly I would not be the person that I am today, they have helped shaped my character, and I am certain I am far from alone in that respect.

You can get a book on basically any subject and increase your knowledge of it. You can open your mind to new cultures and other ways that people live their lives, which will help you understand others and love them better. Reading is also a great source of entertainment. If you are cash strapped and complain that you have nothing to do... get a library card and head to your branch of the local library. If you can't find one book on a topic that would interest you, I would suggest you are not looking hard enough.

Read books! Often, on many different topics. You will become a better person for it.

As a bonus, on the importance of returning your books to the library... an inspiring scene from Seinfeld involving Lt. Bookman :)

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