Monday, February 28, 2011


I got a newsletter from St. Joseph Catholic Church in Dickinson, ND, and there was a great article written by Fr. Keith Streifel about how we are all qualified to be worthy stewards for the Lord.

He writes that sometimes we feel as if we are not qualified for certain things, or are unworthy of helping because we think that we lack experience or expertise. This feeling can cause us to fail to get involved and help out and use all of the talents that God has given us. However, there is a way for us to get beyond that mental block and mental feeling, and it is by recognizing that God will work through us.

"The antidote to the "unworthiness" disease that threatens the best of us can be summed up in one word: 'Magnanimity' - a virtue with which most of us may be unfamiliar. The word itself is virtually extinct in the English language. It comes from the Latin words, magnus and anima, which taken together mean, 'greatness of soul.'"

So how can we practically apply this to our everyday lives?

"A magnanimous person is someone who see the demands of the Christian life as a sea of endless possibilities with God's grace, and who determines to rise to the greatness to which God calls him, neither stopping to count the cost, nor to measure his unworthiness. Magnanimity is not arrogance, because a magnanimous person recognizes that only by God's grace does he accomplish anything. Nor is it imprudence, since he strives only to do what God asks of him and nothing more."

May magnanimity be a virtue we always strive for, so that we are always ready to answer the call of the Lord like the saints.

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